The Dracaena Lemon Lime stands out among its genus for its namesake neon yellow and green striped leaves, but much like the rest of its family its care is relatively straightforward. Capable of reaching heights of 5-7 feet indoors, it can also be kept to a tabletop size with regular pruning
Place your Dracaena where it will receive medium to bright indirect light. Too much direct sun will scorch and pale the leaves, while very dim light can cause leggy growth and browning. If your windows face South or West, be sure to place the plant behind sheer curtains or far enough removed from the window that the plant is out of the direct stream of light.
Watering &care : Lemon Lime Dracaena requires less water than most indoor plants. When watering, water lightly and slowly from above with purified water, allowing water to soak through to the roots, then tip out any excess water. Always allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out before watering
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Tags: Dracaena lemon lime